I’m happy once again to participate in the Banding Together Benefit for the Spondylitis Association of America. The Webathon starts tomorrow, Friday, October 15, 2021 at noon. My set will air live at 4:45pm on Friday. The Webathon continues through Sunday at 9:15pm.
See the full schedule and tune in at blowupradio.com.
Please also donate to the cause! There’s a 46-song compilation of exclusive tracks available as appreciation for your support. I have a brand new song on it, called “Know.”
Here’s a quote from the event organizer, Lazlo.
“It means so much to me that we are able to do this benefit for the Spondylitis Association Of America each year,” says Lazlo, the founder of BlowUpRadio.com and the organizer of Banding Together. “My wife was diagnosed with spondylitis 15 years ago. I have watched the debilitating effects of this disease and the chronic pain and discomfort it causes.”
Hope you can tune in and donate at blowupradio.com!